Finding Peace and Rest Amidst Social Media Noise: Psalm 3:4-6 NKJV
I cried to the Lord with my voice, and He heard me from His holy hill. Selah. I lay down and slept; I awoke, for the Lord sustained me. I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people who have set themselves against me all around. Psalm 3:4-6 When we are overwhelmed or afraid, we can find rest and…
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Feeling Overwhelmed by Big Changes? Find Comfort in God’s Word
When I moved to England in 2014, the first few days felt like I was living in an alternate reality. The unfamiliar sights and sounds made something as simple as walking to the grocery store feel like a life-defining moment. England’s air smelled older and wetter than America’s. Its golden coins looked like pirate booty. And its cashiers called me…
READ MOREFeel Like You Need an Escape? Lean into God’s Word for Hope
I fly through the door after a long day of work and dive right into the nightly ritual: cook, clean, check text messages, read, watch TV. It’s the last thing on the list that I love the most. Those few blessed hours when I can unwind and escape to a foreign place. Whether I’m off to Mars or Georgian Era…
READ MOREDiscover Beauty in God’s Word When Life Gets You Down
No Time for Beauty What’s the most beautiful thing you’ve seen today? Some days, I’m too overwhelmed by life’s demands to find anything beautiful. Appreciating beauty takes time. It means pausing to enjoy the view as my plane descends from a long flight. It means meditating on the movements of a tumultuous stream. It means stopping for a moment, to…
READ MOREUnsure of Life’s Next Steps? Rely on God’s Word for Strength
Are you a Wazer? You know, the app that gives drivers directions to make sure they’re on the quickest route? When I’m driving, the Waze voice helps me know I’m headed in the right direction. It also controls my anxious and uneasy wanderings. Even in unfamiliar places, I trust my Waze app to get me where I want to go…
READ MORERely on God’s Word When Little Things Ruin Your Day
You wake up, hoping for a productive day. But you turn to check the time and realize you’ve accidentally slept in late. Even though you set two alarms (two alarms!), they never went off. You toss off your covers and start shivering from the cold. You step onto what you think is the floor but is actually a pen you…
READ MOREOverwhelmed by the New Year? Ground yourself in God’s Word
In the middle of my 6th grade year, my family moved from Georgia, where I had grown up, to Delaware. Practically overnight, I exchanged a school filled with beloved friends and childhood memories for a maze of foreign hallways, filled with strange faces (and accents). To my 12-year-old self, it felt as though childhood—with its warm, fuzzy familiarity—had been left…
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