Finding Peace and Rest Amidst Social Media Noise: Psalm 3:4-6 NKJV
I cried to the Lord with my voice, and He heard me from His holy hill. Selah. I lay down and slept; I awoke, for the Lord sustained me. I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people who have set themselves against me all around. Psalm 3:4-6 When we are overwhelmed or afraid, we can find rest and…
READ MORELatest Blog Posts
Confessions of a Curriculum Writer
I was young, on my own, struggling to make a living. Then a friend said, “Pssst. You wanna write some Bible lessons? You’ve been going to Sunday school all your life. Maybe you could create some curriculum and pull in some extra cash.” Those probably weren’t the exact words—it’s all hazy to me now—but I started writing Sunday school curriculum…
READ MOREReading the Bible Less Like a Reference Book, More Like a Story
The transformation started nearly 500 years ago, when we changed the way the Bible looks. Beginning with the Geneva Bible in the 1550s our sacred writings were redesigned to make them easier to reference. The chapter numbering system we know had been introduced 300 years earlier, but it was the introduction of numbered verses in Reformation-era Bibles that decisively changed…
READ MORENew Intentions, New Inventions
The story of the gospel is the most powerful, transcendent, compelling story that the world could ever possibly know. The Scriptures bring life and hope and freedom to humanity. Once you’re inside of it, it will set you free. But we’ve let other people tell the story about us. Other people tell the story about the Scriptures. People say to…
READ MOREHow Can We Really Know God?
“For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea” (Habakkuk 2:14 KJV). This prophetic vision inspired the founders of American Bible Society 200 years ago, and it still drives us today. But it raises an important question: What do we mean by knowledge? This makes me think of…
READ MOREUnlocking the Mystery of the Bible
One of the things that pastors should keep in mind when they preach the biblical narrative is to allow the narrative to open us up first. You have to allow the story to start to unfold for people. This use of story is very effective and important for us to understand as we try to connect to the lives of…
READ MOREDoes Prayer Do Any Good?
There was another shooting this week. Our souls ached as the reports trickled in. How many dead? How many wounded? What was the motive? As the news cycle began spinning, we gathered the grisly details. Around the world, people expressed their condolences to the grieving families. Pundits explored the meaning of this latest tragedy. Politicians on the right and left…
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