How to Pray for Your Nation: Wisdom from God’s Word
It’s a common question: “Where are you from?” Many of us have spent our whole lives in the nations we call home, while others are building new lives far from their birthplace. None of us can choose where we are born or the blessings or challenges that come with living there. For Christians, the question “Where are you from?”…
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A Prayer for People in Crisis
God of people in crisis, we know that your heart beats greatly for the marginalized, the outcast, the poor, widows, orphans, and those displaced. Throughout Scripture we see your continued commitment to those who are suffering. You walked alongside the people of Israel when they sought freedom from slavery. You listened to the cries of barren women. You huddled in…
2021 Prayer Impact Report: God Did the Impossible Through Our Prayers
You helped make a difference around the world in 2021. Thank you for supporting us with your prayers. Because you prayed, millions of people across the globe now have access to the world’s greatest treasure—the Bible. Your prayers made this possible. Today we celebrate all the lives that have been impacted by God’s Word. We celebrate that lives that have…
The Prayer Snapshot: “Praying the Bible for Your Life”
Psalm 31 gives us a glimpse into a problem in David’s life he is trying to work through. In this lament we see his passionate expression of grief, sorrow, and fear. But amid this dire circumstance, David turns to God for help. He professes his confidence in God and prays that God would deliver him from his enemies. And God…
Reaching Indigenous Families in Guatemalan Villages with God’s Word
Known as the heart of the Mayan World, Guatemala is a country rich in culture and natural beauty. But this beautiful country has beautiful people who have never heard the name, Jesus. About 44% of Guatemala’s population is indigenous. These indigenous peoples live in geographically isolated communities and speak a language other than the official language of Guatemala—Spanish. In fact,…
What Should We Pray in 2022? Here are 3 Heartfelt Prayers
I think it’s safe to say, we are all hoping that this year will be different than the previous two, which has left many feeling weary, battered, and broken. But a new year offers new hope. And we can have hope because of God. Although we continue to face challenges from the ongoing pandemic, our hope is in God. But…
The Prayer Snapshot: ‘Advent 2021: Jesus is Worth the Wait!’
Many of us remember lying in our beds on Christmas Eve, counting down the hours, minutes, seconds until it was time to open gifts. The anticipation was palpable. What could be better than finally receiving what you’ve been hoping and waiting for. But gifts aren’t the only thing we wait for at Christmas time. As Christians, this time leading up…
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