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How to Pray for Your Nation: Wisdom from God’s Word

It’s a common question: “Where are you from?”   Many of us have spent our whole lives in the nations we call home, while others are building new lives far from their birthplace. None of us can choose where we are born or the blessings or challenges that come with living there.  For Christians, the question “Where are you from?”…

“Plant your roots in Christ and let him be the foundation of your life.”
Colossians 2:7a CEV
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4 Verses to Overcome Guilt About Finances

You pull into your driveway, turn off the car, and lower your head onto the steering wheel. You dread getting out of the car. At least on the way home, you could zone out and listen to music. Walking up your driveway and seeing the shutters that need to be replaced and the door that needs repainting just reminds you…

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4 Prayers for Peace When You’re Broke

You wonder why you even bother building a budget. Because every month—without fail—something breaks or the electric bill runs high or a forgotten bill comes in the mail. You’d almost find it funny if it wasn’t so frustrating. Besides all the surprise expenses, simply living keeps getting more and more expensive. You didn’t get the yearly raise you thought you…

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Psalms of Assurance When You Have No Money

On my 13th birthday, I saved up enough money to buy myself a treasure I always wanted: a (microscopic) diamond ring. The day I bought my ring, I woke up early, carefully applied blue eye shadow to match my baby blue dress, and showered myself in my mother’s perfume. Walking into the mall, I felt like a woman going on…

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Run out of Money? Fill up on Peace in God’s Word

Notice: Your Account Has Been Overdrawn. When you opened your email, these were the words you were dreading you’d see. And there they are, right in front of you. Your chest tightening, you will yourself to open the email and assess the overdraw fee. It’s staggering. You think: Why would they take money away from someone who doesn’t have it? You…

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Never Enough Money? 5 Verses for Peace

You remember the days when things were simpler. And cheaper. When you were a kid, you were content to play with a hula-hoop and silly putty. Now kids can’t seem to live without expensive video games, iPads, and smartphones. You used to be able to go grocery shopping without worrying about the bill. Now you can’t seem to purchase a…

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Not Enough Money for Christmas? Rediscover Joy

Christmas used to feel magical. You remember the thrill of waking up on Christmas morning as a kid. The magic of tinsel and lights on your neighbors’ houses. The simple joy of baking cookies. The warmth of gathering with family and friends. Now Christmas fills you with dread. You look at your bank account and wonder, How can I possibly…

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“The word of God is alive and active, sharper than any double-edged sword. It cuts all the way through, to where soul and spirit meet, to where joints and marrow come together. It judges the desires and thoughts of the heart.”
Hebrews 4:12 GNT
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