How to Pray for Your Nation: Wisdom from God’s Word
It’s a common question: “Where are you from?” Many of us have spent our whole lives in the nations we call home, while others are building new lives far from their birthplace. None of us can choose where we are born or the blessings or challenges that come with living there. For Christians, the question “Where are you from?”…
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4 Verses to Warm Your Heart in the Middle of Winter
February is my least favorite month of the year. By the time the glow of the holiday season dims and the end of January looms, my heart is already dreading the dark stretch of winter that comes between Christmas and springtime. I spend most of my days trying to ward off the chill and dreaming of the moment when the…
This Christmas Season, God Desires to Give You Good Gifts
“Have you started your Christmas shopping yet?” I’ve heard this question at least ten times since the start of December. Christmas is known as the season of giving. All around the world, gifts are given and received. While some have compared this heartwarming practice to the Bible story of the three wise men from the East, gift giving can become…
6 Verses for When You Don’t Feel Thankful
In the past, I’ve found it difficult to get into the Thanksgiving spirit. This year is no exception. Maybe it’s the influx of commercialized holiday cheer or the ongoing pressures of nearly two years of pandemic-induced uncertainty, but focusing on God’s blessings feels harder than ever. You might feel the same way. Your mind could be spinning with concerns for…
A Closer Look at the Great Commission
How well do you know the Great Commission? According to a recent study from Barna, 51% of U.S. churchgoers said they had never heard of the Great Commission. Another 25% said they had heard of it but couldn’t recall its exact meaning. And only 17% said that they knew what the Great Commission is, and what it means. So, what…
Do We Need to Study God’s Word with Other Believers? 5 Verses Offer Wisdom
When the world shut down in 2020, there were a lot of things I took for granted that were suddenly no longer part of my life. Restaurant dinners with friends. Birthday parties. Meandering shopping trips. Conversations with strangers in coffee shops. Family gatherings on holidays. Stress-free weekend getaways. And, of course, weekly church services. As I spent my days between…
7 Ways to Live Out Your Calling of Biblical Generosity
In the age of the internet, it’s easy to feel like we’ve never had more opportunities to be generous. Our newsfeeds are constantly updated with the latest crises around the world. With one Google search, we can find information about hundreds of thousands of charities. We receive messages about fundraisers for people in our own communities and crowdfunding campaigns for…
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