How to Pray for Your Nation: Wisdom from God’s Word
It’s a common question: “Where are you from?” Many of us have spent our whole lives in the nations we call home, while others are building new lives far from their birthplace. None of us can choose where we are born or the blessings or challenges that come with living there. For Christians, the question “Where are you from?”…
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How to Lead New Moms in Scripture Engagement
No matter who she talks to, no matter how many books and blogs she reads, nothing will eliminate the shock and awe that comes with being a new mom. It’s a joyful, tumultuous season that the norms of pre-parenthood rarely survive. I work from home, which allows me to be with my seven-month-old daughter. It’s not without its challenges—she doesn’t…
How to Talk About the Bible on Social Media
“The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood.” (John 1:14 MSG). Who is your neighbor? In a time when nearly 70 percent of Americans are on social media, we can think of “neighboring” in terms of both physical space and cyberspace. Just as we seek to bring the Word-made-flesh into our physical neighborhoods, we can also bring…
How to Interpret the Bible Like a Pro
I once asked legendary Bible scholar Brevard S. Childs to describe his method for interpreting the Bible. He replied that he didn’t have a method at all, but instead he let the text speak for itself, in its own context. He went on to explain that this context involves faith, the Holy Spirit, and a belief that the text would…
Getting Past Chapter Breaks
Help! We’re being held captive, bound by a rusty 800-year-old device! I’m talking about the chapter divisions of the Bible invented by Archbishop Stephen Langton in the early 1200s. While his system has benefited Bible students—helping us find and talk about specific parts of Scripture—it has also created separation, setting up fences that divide thought from thought. Some of these…
How to Share the Bible’s Transforming Power
“The Bible does not present us with texts to be mastered … but with a Word intent on shaping our lives, on mastering us.” Joel B. Green offers this valuable insight in a piece on the Catalyst site (”Cultivating the Practice of Reading Scripture”). This is a helpful reminder for everyone who teaches and preaches the Bible. While we want…
What Does Thanksgiving Mean?
How does God want people to respond to him?Scripture gives us many answers to that question—worship, fear, obedience, love, even curiosity—but one of the most basic responses is thankfulness.The Israelites had a “thank offering” as part of their worship rhythms (Leviticus 7:11-15), and the Psalms bubble with gratitude (7:17; 16:9; 63:4; and more). The apostle Paul expresses his thankfulness for…
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