How to Pray for Your Nation: Wisdom from God’s Word
It’s a common question: “Where are you from?” Many of us have spent our whole lives in the nations we call home, while others are building new lives far from their birthplace. None of us can choose where we are born or the blessings or challenges that come with living there. For Christians, the question “Where are you from?”…
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4 Verses to Find Joy When You’re Stuck Inside
I’m writing this, hunched over my keyboard at the dining room table. I’ve been seeing this table in my city rowhome a lot lately. Every morning, I drink the same coffee, eat the same breakfast, and sit in the same rickety wooden chair. I notice the same kitchen cabinet door that needs tightening, the same floor that needs sweeping, and…
Start the New Year Fresh in God’s Word
We’re all sitting around the Christmas dinner table, rattling off our New Years resolutions: I’m going to lose 20 pounds! I’m finally going to write that novel I keep dreaming about. I’m getting a boyfriend, and I just know it. I sit there, unable to think of a single thing. I mean, sure, there are things I might want to…
3 Verses for Hope During Hard Transitions
Put away your pumpkin spice, autumnal gourds, and freshly picked apples. I’m the one woman in all of America who hates the fall. Well, actually, I don’t really hate fall. I just hate what it represents: the descent into shorter days, colder nights, more sneezes on the subway. When a friend squeals over her new flannel dress, I want to yell,…
4 Prayers to Get Through a Horrible Day
As a kid, one of my favorite books was Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. I’d giggle and groan as my mom read to me every awful thing a boy named Alexander experiences in a single day. First, Alex’s breakfast cereal is missing a prize. Then he doesn’t get the seat he wants in the car,…
Finding Hope When Your Life Falls Apart
Kim didn’t feel close to God anymore. But she thought she was OK. She was alone, yes, but she felt she could handle everything on her own. And then her life fell apart. Her heart was broken through the pain of divorce. Twice. After all that, she was left with seven children to take care of—all on her own. Then…
8 Bible Verses to Help You Cope with Change
We’ve all heard that change is good. But as often as we hear it, we still struggle with it. Why? Because most of us hate change. It upends our comfort levels, leaving us insecure and afraid. It challenges our expectations, our routines, our understanding of the world and how we live in it. But here’s what doesn’t change: God is…
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