Jesus Is Compassionate Toward Us: Matthew 9:36 NKJV
But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd. Matthew 9:36 NKJV God is moved with compassion toward us, and because of his compassion and care for us, we never have to fear what life may bring. In Matthew 9, after reading that Jesus heals…
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How Can I Trust God When I’m Struggling with Financial Hardship?
Following the 2008 recession, my father was laid off three times in two years due to organizational downsizing. Without notice, our circumstances changed dramatically. The comfortable life we had embraced, including a spacious house and beautiful commute along mountains and rivers, was gone. We moved to a more populated, lower income neighborhood, where police officers regularly made arrests for illegal…
How Can I Rely On God When Finances Cause Stress In My Marriage?
As my wife and I prepared for marriage, we received more warnings—and more tips, suggestions and recommendations for success—than we ever imagined. While working to absorb all of the information shared with us, we noticed a common thread: almost every couple has grappled with the tension of managing finances. “You need to stay in constant communication,” they warned, or “if…
Trusting God When You’re Overwhelmed With Debt
Nobody likes debt. Although healthy debt management can open doors to success and security, it also has the potential to get out of control quickly, sometimes becoming a burden that feels unmanageable. I remember my very first credit card. I turned 18 during my senior year of high school and received my very first credit card offer in the mail…
How to Pay the Bills Without Feeling Despair
Life often feels like a checklist of paying bills and meeting budgets. Just when you have a grasp on the "big ticket" items—rent, mortgage, car payments—all the little details become increasingly prominent. Phone bills grow, insurance premiums rise and utilities become harder to manage, leaving you searching for the means to continue checking items off your list. Earlier this year,…
How Can I Trust God When I’m Broke?
You know the Bible says, that you can’t serve two masters—love and money (Matthew 6:24), but sometimes it’s hard. Sometimes it’s easier to trust in money when the rent is due and bills are piled on the dining room table. How do you trust God in the middle of that pressure? There’s no simple solution. But the Bible is full…
5 Prayers for When You’re Down to Your Last Dollar
Your bank account is empty. You’ve checked under all the couch cushions for extra change, picked up extra shifts at work and put off buying anything that you didn’t absolutely need. But, until the next pay check, you are in a pretty tight place. It’s at times like these that you know that you need help and encouragement from God.…
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